Animal Shelter
The Animal Shelter is located on East Broad Street, Savannah, GA. It is built for animal adopting and carrying, especially for the homeless dogs and cats around the city. Besides, it can also hold special activities, such as animal training classes and volunteer workshops. There are also some offices for the staff to support their work.
场地地点 Site Location

地形整合修筑后的前后对比图 示
left : topography
show the before and after difference
middle : climate analysis
show how the sunlight and wind go
right : other features analysis
vegetation and entrances distribution
场地分析 Site Analysis
游客可以直接从主要街道欣赏建筑主体的外立面。 由于该地点曾经是一个公园,其中一部分归属于玛蒂尔达博物馆,因此重建的收容所部分与这个主题有必要相关联。
博物馆位于停车场对面,游客可以在到公园前先找到博物馆并参观。 此外,小木屋还与湿地相邻,他们彼此相关联,并融入了整个公园。
The visitors can appreciate the facade directly from the main street. Since the site used to be a park and a part of it was the Mother Mathilda museum, the reconstruction should also link to this theme.
The museum is set across the parking lot, which visitors can find and visit at first. Besides, the little cottage also has a good connection with the wetland, which makes them combined into the entire park.

设计关系分析 Design Relationship Analysis

场地设计方案 (初步) Site Design (sketch)

建筑主体方案 (初步) Mass Development (sketch)
The building mass is based on divided spaces and transition, which are also the key points of an animal shelter.
建筑用了多种不同的材料。上半部分采用木材和玻璃,使得整体更自然。下半部分是一个带有绿色箭头图案的混凝土整体。 混凝土可以使整个结构看起来稳定。 绿色对于收容所是有效的颜色设计,因为狗是色盲。 箭头图案使建筑物在某些方面解决了这一问题。
The main structure uses a variety of materials. The upper mass uses wood and glass, making people get close to nature. The mass under it is a concrete block with green paint and an arrow pattern. The concrete can make the whole structure looks stable. The green color is considered a curing color because dogs are color-blinded. The arrow pattern makes the building alive in some ways.

立面设计方案 (初步) Facade Design (sketch)

主要功能包括狗训练区、步行道、儿童游乐场和停车场。收容所主体建筑连接了几乎所有功能。 此外,功能区周围种植了树木,以保持功能区的完整。
The major functions include a dog training area, a walking path, a children's playground, and a parking lot. The main shelter building connects almost all these functions. Besides, trees are planted around the site so that they won't distract the functional area inside.
总平面图 General Floor Plan

一层平面图 1st Floor Plan
二层平面图 (主平面) 2nd Floor Plan (main floor plan)
三层平面图 3rd Floor Plan
储藏间 + 办公室
会员办公室 + 活动室
Storage + Office
Dog Cage
Member's Office + Activities Room
Member's Activities Room
Front Desk + Service Center
Cat Tower
Observation Windows
剖面图 Section

剖面分析 Section Analysis

效果图 Visual Effects