Timber in the City
该项目是位于纽约市中心的一个木结构建筑,地点位于弗农大道上,毗邻皇后桥公园,在大桥的南侧。场地紧靠河岸,为城市和项目之间提供了自然的联系,人们可以从河边看到繁华的曼哈顿。从河的另一边也可以看到这栋楼。人们可以从不同的 出入口进入大厦,比如街道、公园甚至河岸边。当人们沿着河岸散步时,可以从栈道或船的接驳口进入社区。
The project is a wood structure building in the downtown area of New York City. The site is on the Vernon Boulevard, next to Queensbridge Park, on the south side of the bridge. The site is at the river bank which provide a natural connection between the city and the project. People can see the busy Manhattan from the river side. The building can also be seen from the other side of the river. If they want to get into the building, there are many different ways. People can join the community from the street, the park, even the river. When people come from the riverbank, they can get into the community easily from the path or the boat.
街道编号:477 区域编号:15
区域面积:106200平方英尺 (678‘ X 606‘) 档案编号:M1-5 / R10
住宅建筑最大允许容积率:10 商业建筑最大允许容积率:5
公共建筑最大允许容积率:10 防水等级:A区等级
Block: 477 Lot: 15
Lot Area: 106,200 SQ FT (678’ x 606’) Primary Zoning: M1-5/R10
Maximum Allowable Residential FAR: 10 Maximum Allowable Commercial FAR: 5
Maximum Allowable Facility FAR: 10 Flood Zone: Zone A

场地整体分析 Site Analysis in General

这是方圆一英里范围的社会数据。其中,总人口约为123,000;年龄的中位数为 39 岁,平均年龄在 35 岁左右,85岁以上的老人最少;性别分布平均。该地区的教育程度和收入水平都很高,超过 70% 的居民拥有学士或以上学位,家庭收入中位数为 116,275 美元。经济占比最大的是服务业,其次是零售贸易。每户平均两人,其中大多数是白领。
It is a one-mile ratio from the site. The total population is around 123,000. The median age is 39. Most residents are around age 35, and gender is average. Besides, The smallest group is the aged over 85. It is a high-income and well-educated area. Over 70% of the residents have bachelor’s degrees or higher, and the median household income is $116,275. The largest business in this area is service, and the second is retail trade. However, the labor force is more in management. People usually live in two per group, and most of them are white-collar.
方圆1英里数据 Data in 1 Mile Ranges
这是方圆三英里范围的社会数据。人口约为1,330,000,远大于一英里的比例。大多数居民年龄在 30 岁左右。平均年龄比上述要小一些。超过 60% 的居民拥有学士学位或更高学历。家庭收入中位数为 99,318 美元,这个数据并不比上面更好。商业分布基本一致。家庭特征也相近,大部分雇员依旧是白领。不过,也有一些蓝领雇员开始出现。
It is a three-mile ratio from the site. The population is around 1,330,000, which is much larger than the one-mile ratio. Most residents are around age 30. The average age is a little smaller than above. Over 60% of the residents have bachelor’s degrees or higher, and the median household income is $99,318. This data doesn’t present better than above. The largest business and labor force are still the same. Average household size is similar, and most of them are still white-collar. However, there is some blue-collars start to appear.

方圆3英里数据 Data in 3 Miles Ranges

这是方圆八英里范围的社会数据。 人口约为6,187,000。 大多数居民年龄在 25 岁左右,平均年龄小于一英里的。 只有 42% 的人有学士或更高学位。家庭收入中位数为 62,265 美元,这比前面的低很多。 此外,近 20% 的居民没有高中文凭。 商业分布基本没有变化,但最多的雇员变成了办公室和行政人员。家庭人口达到2.5,这意味着区域内有更多的三口之家。
It is an eight-mile ratio from the site. The population is around 6,187,000. Most residents are around age 25. The average age is smaller than the one-mile ratio. Only 42% people have bachelor’s degrees or higher, and the median household income is $62,265. This is much lower than before. Besides, almost 20% of the residents don’t have a high school diploma. The largest business is still the same, but the largest labor force is the office and administrator. The average household size reaches 2.5, which means there’s more three-people family.
方圆8英里数据 Data in 8 Miles Ranges

场地整体分析之住宅分布 General Site Analysis on Residential Distribution
There are some communities in Long Island Area. From population concentration, many young adults prefer to live in this area. There’s only one large community on the east river bank. The other are small private houses and apartments. The large community was built at the end of last century which is a little old until now. The site was a few minutes walk from it.

场地整体分析之商业分布 General Site Analysis on Commercial Distribution
Many apartment buildings are surrounding the Queensboro Bridge. There’s a large community in the Long Island area. Most of the communities and apartments are related, either from one association or faced to the similar group of people. New York is a large city. Many commercial spots are located in this area.

场地整体分析之绿地分布 General Site Analysis on Green Area Distribution
There are several green areas near the site. One is a large public park. The others are small sports fields. The park is next to the bridge which is close to the site. It can connect the site community to the river, even to the city. The other sports fields are a little bit far from the area which makes the community need to have its own wellness center. Besides, the green roof is also recommended in the city.

分隔:光照 Cut: Natural Sunlight
To embrace as much sunlight as possible, the building is going to be set in this way at first. It can avoid the noise from the bridge and collect the sunlight from the south. The north side is blocked because of the sunlight issue. It will change.
To enclose the site from the busy street, set up a block on the south side. It is also can be used as public activities area since it connects the inside and the outside. The in-site private space can be used in many ways.

扩展:减少风阻 Extension: Block Wind

开放:生物设计 Open: Biophilic Design
Since the massing was too blocky and solid, it needs to have some opening and cutting. The square one is the courtyard which creates a secure indoor play area during daytime and a community gathering place at night.
为了更好的连接河岸以及河对岸的市区,将河岸附近的街区逐层推进到场地内部。 随着小单元的堆叠,可以同时设置其中的许多其他部分——尤其是堆叠块上的绿地。
To embrace the riverbank and the downtown area across the river, push the block near the riverbank into the site. With the cluster coming out, many other parts can be set simultaneously-- especially the green roof on the cluster.

堆叠:连接河岸 Cluster: Connect Riverbank

景观也是社区的重要组成部分。公共绿地为社区内的人们创造了一个开放空间,也欢迎愿意加入社区的人前来参观。 环境装置还成为了连接场地和建筑主体的路径,这些栈道也是社区的另一个特色。它以不同的方式丰富了人们的生活,人们可以沿着木栈道跑步、走路、聚会,甚至可以喝杯咖啡。栈道把这些功能集群紧密连接在一起,这不仅是一条道路,也是人们体验整个社区的路径。人们可以从位于弗农大道的正门、或者河边的渡船口开始他们的旅程。两个入口都可以自然地进入社区的氛围;另一方面,人们也可以从河边或林荫大道一侧进入城市环境。
The landscape is also an essential part of the community. The green space created an opening gathering area for people in the community and also welcome people who were willing to join the community. The landscape also connects the site and the path in the building. The path is the other special feature of the community, which enriches people’s life in different ways. People can run, walk, get gathering, and even have a cup of coffee along the path. The path connects the functional clusters tightly together. This is not only a running track but also a path for people to experience the entire community. People can start their trip from the riverside or the main entrance of the Vernon Boulevard. Both sides can bring the citizens into the community naturally. On the other hand, people can also get into the city from the river bank or the boulevard.

暖通方案 Mechanical Solution
结构细节 Structure Details

设计细节 Design Details
中央庭院 Central Atrium
公寓阳台 Apartment Balcony
This kind of apartment is in the central area. It faces the community's private green space and the swimming pool. It is a quiet and composed space to live. Highly recommend it to a single person or a couple. Small families are also welcomed, and there are more choices on the upper floor. No one can deny a tiny delicate room like that in this way.

总剖面 Site Section

总平面 Site Plan
楼西北部还有一个中庭。 根据剖面,人们可以看到建筑内的空地。 此外,游泳池和河流在某些方面将建筑物连接起来。
The drawing above is the site plan, and it shows almost all the special features in the design. The red part is the running track, which connects the fitness center with the apartment on the fourth and fifth floor. The green area is the open green space, including the riverfront balcony. Wood panels cover the walking path on the ground. There’s a central atrium on the northwest of the building. According to the section, people can see the open space in the building. Besides, the swimming pool and the river link the building in some ways.

设计亮点 Special Features

建筑阶段计划 Phase Plan

概念可视化 Conceptual Visualization
整体平面图 General Floor Plan

Apartment Unit
Green Area
Personal Working Space
Fitness Area
Daycare Center
Swimming Pool